Comments on: Keep close tabs on any form by integrating it with Google Analytics! Making forms easy + fast + fun. Tue, 15 Sep 2020 17:45:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jannette Tue, 15 Sep 2020 17:45:01 +0000 I cannot find any wufoo-initiated GA pageviews or events occurring on our forms with GA tracking added – either on embedded forms or forms hosted on our subdomain.
I used a GA debugger on the developer console, didn’t see any GA activity when I viewed or submitted the form (not including the regular initial GA pageview of the page on our site that has the embedded form).

I’m not entirely sure it’s working, and we have the Advanced pricing plan, so it should include GA tracking.
Count me in for voting for Google Tag Manager integration!

By: Yair Morali Thu, 06 Feb 2020 09:23:57 +0000 Where can we see the wufoo data on Google Analytics? Thanks

By: Nas Andronicou Thu, 10 Oct 2019 14:59:01 +0000 did anyone get an answer as to where in analytics you can find the stats on the forms?

By: Dave Grundy Thu, 28 Feb 2019 15:53:49 +0000 Am I correct that 2 years later and there still isn’t an integration with GTM or the ability to fire pixels to track conversions outside of wufoo? This seems like a major shortfall with the platform.

By: Buzz Ede Wed, 21 Jun 2017 20:27:44 +0000 I’ve not actually used wufoo before, but I have a friend who does, and he’s been waiting for this Google Analytics wufoo form tracking feature. All the best guys!

By: Drive Research Fri, 09 Jun 2017 03:17:56 +0000 This is a nice feature, we use GA a lot with tracking for all kinds of systems and campaigns. Thanks for sharing.


By: Cody Curry Tue, 23 May 2017 16:21:02 +0000 In reply to josh whelan.

@Josh The best way to track form completes is to use our redirect to website feature to redirect to a thank-you page on your site with a custom Goal. With the tracking code added to your form, Google Analytics should be able to follow the session through to that goal. Alternatively, you can view form completes directly within wufoo in our own Analytics under Entries>Analytics for each form. Currently our confirmation page doesn’t have tracking but it’s definitely something that’s on our mind!

By: josh whelan Fri, 19 May 2017 15:25:23 +0000 Hey Cody, would it be possible to let us know where these results are in Google?
We don’t need a guide, we just need to know where to view form completes.

I’ve been using GA for a decade and I can’t find them.

Thanks for the integration!

By: Cody Curry Tue, 16 May 2017 22:23:35 +0000 In reply to Charles.

@Charles and @Kiel Google Analytics is quite complex, so we don’t have a guide set up for that quite yet! I can definitely suggest that to our content folks for the future. For the time-being, you can view pageviews and source of traffic in the real-time and acquisition tabs–those are the ones I’ve found to be the most interesting to me with my limited knowledge of Google Analytics.

By: Lerv Fri, 12 May 2017 03:32:37 +0000 Hey, on occasion I see a 400 website message when I arrive at your webpage. I thought you may wish to know, cheers
